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Student Records and Financial Services (SRFS) Customer Service Survey
Complete our brief Customer Service Survey to let us know how we are doing and if there is anything we can do to improve. Your response is anonymous unless you request to be contacted about your experience.
1. I contacted SRFS as a:
1. I contacted SRFS as a:
Parent of a student
Other (Please specify):
2. What area did you need assistance with? Please check all that apply.
2. What area did you need assistance with? Please check all that apply.
Financial Aid
Student Accounts (Billing)
3. How did you contact the SRFS office?
3. How did you contact the SRFS office?
In Person
4. Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of the SRFS office:
Professionalism (sensitivity and friendliness) of the staff member you had contact with.
Very Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Professionalism (sensitivity and friendliness) of the staff member you had contact with.
Technical skills (thoroughness and competence) of the staff member you had contact with.
Technical skills (thoroughness and competence) of the staff member you had contact with.
Length of time spent waiting for assistance.
Length of time spent waiting for assistance.
5. Please rate your overall experience with the SRFS office.
5. Please rate your overall experience with the SRFS office.
Very Satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Please explain why you were dissatisfied.
6. Consider how the SRFS office can better provide services to students. Do you have any comments or suggestions on how we can improve?
7. If you would like to be contacted by a representative from the SRFS office regarding your experience, which method would you prefer?
7. If you would like to be contacted by a representative from the SRFS office regarding your experience, which method would you prefer?
Don't need to be contacted
Please provide your name.
Please provide your phone number.
Please provide your email address.